
Paperwork and Pan-Shamanism with Serene Hui, Arlette Quỳnh-Anh Trần, Wang Tuo, and Hera Chan

18 January 2025
72-13 (No registration required)

Bringing together artists whose work revives recent archives through unreliable narrators and personal histories, this conversation will circulate around the possibilities of autofictional interventions into grand narratives. Furthering Wang’s neologism “pan-shamanism,” which is not an ethnographic approach or subscription to spiritual practice, the presented practices make a public offering of the catalytic agency of fictional time travelling and mythical figures as ciphers for collective power.

Asset-based Democracies with Joshua Comaroff, Josh Kline, Ho Rui An and Kathleen Ditzig

18 January 2025
72-13 (No registration required)

Singapore has been described by scholars as an asset-based democracy structured around the house as a financial asset. However, the international art world can also be termed an asset-based democracy structured around the artwork as asset, wherein social contracts as well as shared futures are imagined in relation to a prospective value of an artistic practice or discourse. This panel asks: What kind of socio-political horizons do assets offer, if at all?  How can artworks as assets be mobilised pragmatically to address the social values that artists and cultural institutions often espouse?